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Recovery #brainsurgery

Kelli Rae Wilson

𝟠 𝕨𝕖𝕖𝕜𝕤 Recovery! Today marks what would be a full recovery. I shared this message below in a card I sent to some of you. At the end (I added some more) I’ll ask what you can continue to pray for. . I wanted send a letter expressing my heartfelt thankfulness toward your love and prayers over Chris and I. Today (April 28) marks 2 months since I went into brain surgery. I FEEL GREAT. It is very, very hard for me to explain the amount of gratitude I have toward the Lord. I often go to Him in prayer and say “Thank You”, but it doesn't feel worthy of all He has done for me over the 2 months. . If you are on social media, you have read some of the trying times, wonderful times and really fascinating moments of healing. Chris has been home for a month and a half and is back to normal. We marvel at the fact that this all happened within a two week period where my mother was here to help me. Additionally, the day we walked out-of the hospital with Chris, was the first day I had really seen the ER looked packed as I would enter that side of the hospital each day to be with Chris. The nurse that wheeled Chris out to my car made a joke “hold your breath” as we walked past the ER. The coronavirus was just creeping into the hysteria stages the day we left. We came home on a Wednesday and by Friday my kids were home from school because of the virus pandemic. We got out of a busy hospital just in time. . That following Monday, I went to get my staples removed and the assistant nurse for my doctor said, “you couldn't have picked a better time for your surgery.” She explained, “we are canceling surgeries now as we won’t have enough ICU beds.” God’s timing is so grand in our lives. He reveals this to me over and over again. Our life was pretty abrupt for a month, but it was a pretty sweet ride. . If you don't know Jesus, please consider my “Thank You” letter as an invitation to get to know Him. He does all things well. He never left me or my family during this time. Your blessing to us was an extension of His love over us during this time!! Thank you so much. My wish/hope is that all who posted that they would pray or think of me, —- I hope now you all will send praises of thanksgiving to God. He is faithful to our requests! He deserves the wake-up call at 3:00am to praise Him, just as some of you woke to plead with Him, in prayer, for my full safety and recovery the morning of surgery. He deserves the same praise as the prayer request itself. I cannot believe all that has gone on in two months. Truly, I feel like I have gone through some sort of war or purge. Right after we came home - we went to full on homeschool. I praise the Lord I have clarity and no symptoms I experienced during the winter. I could hardly functions months ago and now things are so good. I do have one request. My face has gained most of it’s function. You probably can’t tell there’s a slight weakness inside. It works well. But, daily it feels like it’s numb or fallen asleep on the left side of my face (nose). Even while it functions well and the vanity of it shows “normal”- deep inside it feels like a weight is on my face. This is where I experienced the worst part of my seizures and those are gone, thank-goodness. I may have this tingling/numbness the rest of my life and my prayer is to just be content and joyful over it. It comes and goes and is more of a pest than anything. It could be like “my thorn in my side” (as Paul’s says) and I am okay dealing with this. Please pray that as time goes on it mends itself. I would love to have no symptoms (other than my scar, which I could care less about). Chris is 100%. Every once and while he gets a sharp pain which doctor said is normal too. So, How does life go? Well, We are all dying on the outside, but inwardly we are being renewed!! Thank goodness we can be renewed (2 Corth 4:16). #cavernoma #brainsurgery #LovedByYahweh


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